Fabien Maurice
Fabien Maurice
Project Manager / Communications Specialist / WebDeveloper
{ } I'm a freelancer specialist in web based development software, mobile applications development and online marketing.Living in Laos since 2011, I'm working with various public and private companies to help them define their online management, communication, strategy, jump-start.
My constantly renewed experience for nearly two decades in the new technologies sector, development, test and deployment, whether it’s in terms of hardware or software, as well as in classical business computing including using the Cloud and Web 2.0 give me a good, neutral and objective view, in how to help the top management of a company to go around all the issues :
+33(0)6 81 01 82 57
+856(0)20 787 994 07
Phone number
Email Address
Work Experience
IOS Application Developper
2016-PresentFabien MAURICE on App Store
Project manager and IOS developper for multiple IOS Application; Famous ones:
Word Checker for Scrabble
Vérificateur mots du scrabble
Expert des mots
Best Ringtones
Owner - Senior IT Developper - Media Manager
2006-PresentHandicap-job www.handicap-job.com
Project manager and webmaster on a job board website for disabled people.
Create the main website (design, functionnalities, etc...). Technologies used : Zend Framework, jQuery, jQueryUi. -
Owner - Senior IT Developper - Media Manager
2009-PresentSavoir Inutile www.savoir-inutile.com
Project manager and webmaster of an entertainment website.
Website development (design, functionnalities, etc...).
Technologies used : Zend Framework, jQuery, jQueryUi.
iPhone App development, Android App development, Bada App development, Windows Phone App development.
Samsung Official Partner.
Currently under recast with the Yii2 Framework -
Senior IT Consultant
June 2018Save The Children NGO
Expert Consultancy service for "IT recommendations for Mobile Clinic service data in Luang Prabang province."
Reporting writing recommendations on the feasibility of using tablet phone data entry to improve the quality, timeliness and efficiency of mobile clinic data reporting. -
Senior IT Consultant
2012-2021Green Discovery Laos www.greendiscoverylaos.com
Project manager and webmaster for the Green Discovery new website.
Analysis, development, design, training.
Developed with an open source CMS (Joomla). -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
May-June 2018Atelier de la Peninsule www.architectlaos.com
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
April 2018ALiSEA https://ali-sea.org
Expert consultant, website optimisation (compression, SEO) .
Member Database Development with custom features and training on the tool. (https://ali-sea.org/alisea-member/) -
Senior IT Database Consultant
April 2018Experts and Projects Database ali-sea.org/expert/
Database designer for Experts and Projects database for LISA
Development, design, layout. -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
February-March 2018Ferme De Balme www.fermedebalme.com
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
January 2018Shiatsu Lons www.shiatsu-lons.com
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
December 2017GFR Energy www.gfrenergy.ch
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Communication Consultant
November 2017Selene Yachts www.seleneoceanyachts.com
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website of the Yachts builder.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
SEO Expert
October 2017Oneclicktoasia www.oneclicktoasia.com
SEO optimization, website compression,...
Senior IT Consultant
August-September 2017Laocs KIS www.laocs-kis.org
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Manage Members database, directory, resources files management, responsive desig, interactive map.
Senior IT Consultant
August-September 2017Tricontinental www.tricontinental.asia
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Consultant
May 2017 to July 2017Inthira Group www.inthira.com
Inthira Hotels www.inthirahotels.comFull Design refresh of the Inthira Group Website and create an indepentant portal just for Inthira hotels.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training.
Inthira Hotels website is a network website, it means each hotel got is own website and they are totaly independant. So each manager can manage is own hotel website independently.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Consultant
April 2017Gibbon Experience www.gibbonexperience.org/
Full Design refresh and platform changed for the Gibbon Experience Original website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training.
Dynamic website (changes can be done easily by the customer) & Responsive design (Optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). -
Senior IT Consultant
March 2017Handicap-Job Blog www.handicap-job.com/blog/
Full Design refresh of the Online News blog for diabled people.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features (based on the open source CMS Wordpress). -
Senior IT Consultant
February 2017Choukette www.choukette.com.au
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website & Responsive design. -
Senior IT Consultant
Octobre 2016 to January 2017Eccil eccil.org
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website of the European Chamber of Commerce in Laos.
Development of multiple functionalities (Member directoty, Job Manager, Event Manager, ...), Online payment system (BFL plugin creation and help the bank to setup and secure their online payment platform) , design, layout, editorial advice and training, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website & Responsive design. -
SEO Expert
September 2016Le Trio Coffee http://letriocoffee.com
SEO optimization on the website. (Search engine optimization)
fix script problems, compress files, clean code, architecture, etc... -
Senior IT Consultant
May 2016 - July 2016La Folie Lodge www.lafolie-laos.com
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website & Responsive design. -
Senior IT Consultant
January 2016 - NowEuropean Chamber of Commerce in Laos www.eccil.org
Project manager, consultant, webmaster for the new website.
Editorial rules online training, newsletters, development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Wordpress). -
Senior IT Consultant
Mai 2015 - June 2015Les Ateliers de la Péninsule www.architectlaos.com
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool.
Dynamic website & Responsive design. -
Senior IT Consultant
Mai 2015 - June 2015AsiaSafari Travel www.asiasafari-travel.com
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, custom features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla 3.4). -
Senior IT Consultant
February 2015 - April 2015Elephant Conservation Center www.elephantconservationcenter.com
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, layout, SEO optimization, booking management, paypal integration, online payement integration custom features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Wordpress 4.2). -
Senior IT Consultant
2013-2015ECCIL (European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR) www.eccil.org
Project manager, webmaster for the Chamber website.
Development, add features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla). -
Senior IT Consultant
February 2015THPC Laos www.thpclaos.com
Upgrade the website to Joomla 3.4, fixed compatibility problems with plugins/components, fixed problems with lao language.
Senior IT Consultant
September 2014 - November 2014RiverSide Resort VangVieng www.riversidevangvieng.com
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, SEO optimization, add features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Wordpress 4.0). -
Project Manager
April 2014- September 2014Pasteur Institut Laos www.pasteur.la
Project manager of a "samples management software" for the lao Institut.
Project Manager
October 2013 - January 2014Elefantasia www.elefantasia.org
Project manager to manage the developement of the new website
Senior IT Consultant
June 2014 - August 2014ACResources www.acresources.com.au
Developer, webmaster for the new website.
Development, online shopping integration, add features on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla 3.0). -
Senior IT Consultant
October 2013 - February 2014Gibbon Experience www.gibbonexperience.org
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, SEO optimization, add features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla 3.0). -
Senior IT Consultant
October 2013 - December 2013LNCCI (Lao Commerce and Industry Chamber)
Project manager and webmaster for the management software used by the Lao Chambers of Commerce (National and Provincial) to register and manage their members.
Development, layouts, add features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla). -
Senior IT Consultant
June 2013 - September 2013Ticketebo www.ticketebo.com.au
Developer and webmaster for the online payement and caddie part of the website.
Development, layouts, add features on the tool (based on Magento). -
Senior IT Consultant
October 2012 - December 2012Vientiane Orchidées http://www.vientianeorchidees.com
Project manager, webmaster for the new website.
Development, design, add features and training on the tool (based on the open source CMS Joomla 1.5). -
2001-2025Development of more than 30 websites for companies (France, Laos, Australia, ...), including http://www.atelier-du-bijou.com, http://www.caroline-paul.com, http://www.closette.com.au
Analyze, development and installation of Websites.
- Technologies : CMS (Joomla, wordpress, prestashop), HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Javascript -
Senior IT Consultant
2009-2011Crikey.com.au www.crikey.com.au
Webmaster for a journalistic platform based on the open CMS Wordpress. Add features, plugins, widgets, designs.
Build the main iPhone application. -
Senior IT Consultant
2009-2011SmartCompany.com.au www.SmartCompany.com.au
Add functionnalities to the current website build with joomla (Version 1.5). Creation of joomla components, designs, etc...
Senior IT Consultant
2009-2011StartupSmart.com.au www.StartupSmart.com.au
Project manager and webmaster a journalistic web-based platform.
Analysis, development, installation and training of the main website www.startupsmart.com.au.
Build with Joomla and Flexicontent. I also created a lot of joomla components (to link with Open Calais, to link with MailChimp, etc...) -
Senior IT Consultant
Task :
Developing life insurance management software.
Role :
Kapia Solutions developed management software for Life Insurance. This software is made up of 9 major parts. I was in charge of developing the user interface and features for 2 parts.
Assignments completed:
- Development of a module to manage Funeral Contracts
- Development of a module to manage accounts
- Auditing of all the software for performance optimisation. -
IT Consultant
2009-2011AUSY Luxembourg www.ausy.lu
Consultancy in IT for few clients
IT Consultant
July 2008 - August 2008Mobistar www.mobistar.be
Analysis and development of a management software for specific category of mobile phone customers in Belgium.
IT Consultant
June 2008 - July 2008Arrowstone
Analyze, development and installation of a website company presentation. Writing an user guide.
Assignments completed:
- Installation and administration of the Joomla CMS (v 1.5)
- Design of the website with Photoshop
- Integration of the design in the CMS with CSS
- Modification of 2 plugins
- Writing of a user guide -
IT Consultant
April 2008 - June 2008Efama www.efama.org
Task :
Development of a portal to exchange documents.
Analysis, development and installation of a new portal. Writing a user guide and managing training.
Assignments completed:
- Installation and administration of the Joomla CMS (v 1.5)
- Design of the website with Photoshop
- Integration of the design in the CMS with CSS
- Writing of a user guide
- Managing Training for users -
Programmer Analyst
November 2007 - January 2008Kirchberg Hospital (Luxembourg)
Role :
Add features to the management software DMI.Management and training of one other person on the software.
Assignments completed:
- Development of 3 forms in the software made from with a private framework
- Implementation of functions to generate pdf documents -
Programmer Analyst
June 2007 - November 2007MusicMakesFriends
Webservices development. Analyze & development of a tool for integrating xml data.
Assignments completed:
- Development of Webservices
- Implementation of features for integrating XML data.
- Development of the administration tool with Symfony -
Programmer Analyst
March 2007 - April 2007Hôtel des Artistes
Analyze, development and installation of hotel website.
- Technologies : CMS Joomla, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL -
Programmer Analyst
March 2007 - April 2007Présence Médicale
Analyze, development and installation of company website.
- Technologies : CMS Joomla, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL -
Programmer Analyst
November 2006 - April 2007Handica.com
Role :
I was in charge of the development of the job boad for the portal.
Analyse the specifications and manage 2 persons for the development.
Assignments completed:
- Development of the part for candidates where then can create a profile, upload their resume, consult offers and apply online.
- Development of the part for employer where then can create offers and consult resumes.
- Development of the administration tool.
- Integration of the application into the portal. -
IT Consultant
May 2006 - August 2006VVIF
Task :
Development of a management software for training companies.
Role :
I was consultant in charge of the project.
My role was to analyse the specifications and develop the software.
Assignments completed:
- Development of the software to manage customers, trainings, invoices, accounts, etc... -
Programmer Analyst
July 2000 - July 2005France Atelier
- Analyze, development and installation of a software of management Customers / Stock / Orders / Invoicing / accountancy with printing management.
- Visual Basic 6 and SQL Server
- Printing with Seagate Crystal Report
Analyze, development and installation of a calculation software, impression of catalogues of prices of glasses reference and export data to EDI format.
- Visual Basic 6 and SQL Server
- Printing with Seagate Crystal Report
Purchase and Administration of the data-processing park (12 PC) under various systems.
Development of a presentation Web site for the company with sale on line www.franceatelier.com (offline)
- HTML, ASP and Javascript
- Tools : Dreamweaver et Flash
Graphic creations for publicity press company.
- Tools : Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro
Development of a reservation on line site for a lodging of France with an administration part managing the parts Customers / Reservations / Accountancy / Invoicing www.au-douillet-gourmet.com
- HTML, PHP4 and Mysql
- Tool : Dreamweaver
Development of a software of update of Internet site and creation of small posters for an estate agency.
- Visual Basic 6 and Access -
IT Consultant
December 1999 - May 2000Synoptic Groupe PJP
Development of Web pages (site of protected order), management of bases and rehabilitation of data, maintenance software of management of store of optics.
- HTML, PHP, Mysql, Visual Basic 5 and Access 1997
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique, INPL, Nancy
2005-2006Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Advanced Diploma in New Technology of Information and Communication.
2002-2003Training on Photoshop and Flash
Université Nancy 2
1997-1999DUT of programming